33 Ways BookBook AwardCyber SolutionsCybersecurityHuman Factor TrainingPromotion

Investing 99 Cents May Save Your Business

“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” – Albert Einstein.


Organizations have been concerned about human error and mistakes that lead to security breaches before, during, and after the pandemic.
Surveys often reveal that business leaders are discouraged by the complexity of cybersecurity. The feeling of hopelessness in fighting the hackers is much broader, extending to our homes.

During a recent webinar, one participant asked me about the meaning of cybersecurity. According to Merriam-Webster, cybersecurity (noun) means protecting a computer or computer system (as on the Internet) against unauthorized access or attack. Next, you need a scenario to make it relatable. When you leave your home, do you leave your doors and windows open or unlocked? No. Ah, clarity.

Human Error

CISO Magazine reported on a joint study from Stanford University Professor Jeff Hancock and security firm Tessian, Psychology of Human Error, revealing that employees’ mistakes cause nine in ten (88%) data breach incidents.

As I mentioned in my book, 33 Ways Not To Screw Up Cybersecurity, #1 Way: Human Error – the Wake-Up Call, “Business leaders need to embrace a cyber-secure culture encouraging the entire staff to learn, practice, and improve.”

Here is the problem: Hackers are winning.

Here are some solutions (i.e., Ways addressed in my book):

• Use strong, unique passwords — #4 Way
• Patch and update your software — #14 Way
• Increase awareness through training (e.g., to think before you click) — #33 Way

If this sounds familiar, that is good because it means you are aware of basic cyber hygiene.

There are more solutions. For example, add multi-factor authentication as a solution or way to reduce the likelihood of a successful attack — #5 Way.

Book Promotion

Today, on Black Friday, November 24, through Cyber Monday, November 27, you can grab my eBook for 99 cents. Here is the link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B3H876PS

Five-Star Review by Carmen Marsh, President & CEO at United Cybersecurity Alliance (Europe, US & Japan), and more:

“Fantastic Handbook – Comprehensive, yet simple to follow!
Dawn has found a way to make her book a true guide – a handy book of advice anyone can benefit from. There are many books on the market about the cyber threats we all face in this digitally connected world, but most of them are simply too complicated to be useful.
I give this book five stars because of the language that is easily consumable by people at the different knowledge levels. It is comprehensive yet very helpful and simple to implement – full of tips and tricks to think of the cybersecurity in every way.
I highly recommend this book – you won’t regret it!”

Thank you, Carmen! Be sure to follow Carmen Marsh on LinkedIn to learn about her outstanding contributions to the global cybersecurity community.

#humanerror #cybersecurity #book #promotion #BlackFriday #CyberMonday #ThereIsHope #33ways

Dawn Kristy

I am a nationally recognized thought leader and cyber subject matter expert. I advise clients and executives on how to bridge the gap between IT, business, and communications strategy with difficult cyber, privacy, or emerging risks, I collaborate with experts and clients on risk management, data management, and compliance in various industry verticals, including financial services, healthcare, manufacturing, construction, logistics, law, and federal government contracting.

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