33 Ways BookCybersecurityHuman Resources

#2 Cybersecurity Culture, Mindset, and Habits 

As a leader of your organization, cybersecurity must be one of your highest values – a priority. If not, you risk your data, customers, and business.

Is your workforce operating within a cybersecurity culture, or do you need to develop that culture?

Lessons Learned 

Training and communications that highlight your cyber risk management plan impact your company culture. Once you develop a cybersecurity culture and mindset, you shift your position from defense to offense. The ball is now in your court, and you have the opportunity to win.  

Action Steps 

Provide regular cybersecurity awareness training on the multitude of cyber threat scenarios for your staff. Employee interaction and feedback matter, including hands-on training exercises, role plays, and scored simulations.

Hope and Encouragement

Offer your teams hope and encouragement that they can and will stop cyberattacks aimed at them specifically. Discourage any blame or shame about reporting incidents or becoming a cyberattack victim.

Our actions can outsmart the hackers looking for financial gain or reputational harm. We can ensure that cybersecurity technology works at its total capacity to protect our critical assets through our deliberate efforts.

33 Ways

If you already know how to prevent some of the scenarios addressed in this book, great! Find the “Ways” you need to learn as you work from anywhere (WFA).

As human resources leadership has done, you may decide to purchase books for onboarding new employees and summer interns.

Sign up for my monthly newsletter on my website www.thecyberdawn.com which will launch with the publication of my book in June 2022.

For more information contact info@thecyberdawn.com.

Dawn Kristy

I am a nationally recognized thought leader and cyber subject matter expert. I advise clients and executives on how to bridge the gap between IT, business, and communications strategy with difficult cyber, privacy, or emerging risks, I collaborate with experts and clients on risk management, data management, and compliance in various industry verticals, including financial services, healthcare, manufacturing, construction, logistics, law, and federal government contracting.

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