33 Ways BookCybersecurity

# 1 Human Error – The Wake-Up Call

One person, one password is all it takes for a hacker to walk through the open the door to your business. The cybersecurity community has heard the wake-up call. Now, we must collaborate to stop the flow of online errors through more awareness training and a shift in our behavior.

Why the 33 Ways?

Business leaders need to embrace a cyber-secure culture encouraging the entire staff to learn, practice, and improve.

33 WAYS NOT TO SCREW UP CYBERSECURITY (published June 2022) shows you why this is happening and how to decrease and stop human error. As with any behavioral change, it may not come naturally or easily, but we will learn more and do better in time. We can all do better every day. 

Human Error Causes Cyber Losses

The uptick in remote work runs parallel to the uptick in cybercrime. Employees have fewer security controls and more distractions, a formula for more mistakes. 

Technical solutions like spam filters, mobile device management systems, and password managers help protect end-users at organizations, but improvement is needed to decrease and stop human error and mistakes.

Human error has been the leading cause of data breaches (nearly 9 out of 10). 

Lessons Learned

Training, encouragement, and even rewards now replace the blame and shame culture in the business world.

We are fighting hackers, not each other. 

Action Steps

It takes learning and rehearsing to improve your performance, similar to learning a new sport, dance, or language. 

We master what we learn by practicing and rehearsing. One lesson is never enough. 

33 Ways

If you already know how to work from anywhere (WFA) using some of the action steps presented in this book, great! Find the “Ways” that you want to learn and master! Then, pass it on to a colleague or friend so they can find the “Ways” to improve their security.

Sign up for my monthly newsletter on my website www.thecyberdawn.com which will launch with the publication of my book in June 2022.

For more information or bulk sales, contact info@thecyberdawn.com.

Dawn Kristy

Hi, I am Dawn Kristy, JD, an AI & Cybersecurity Advisor, former attorney, and award-winning author. I help businesses adopt AI through a Cybersecurity and Governance Lens. As the Founder of The Cyber Dawn®, and during my 25+ years advising clients on emerging risks, I’ve been fortunate to develop an outstanding network of collaborative experts to address your organization's needs. Let’s achieve your moonshot goals as you and your businesses learn to implement AI. This year is about taking giant leaps to achieve positive outcomes!

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