202233 Ways BookBook AwardCybersecurityCybersecurity Awareness Training

Every Monday is Cyber Monday

Every Monday, members of the cybersecurity community prepare to act on the plan they prepared over the weekend. Problems need to be solved. Cyber threats by bad actors are underway while we seek to help clients and markets prevent or reduce the hackers’ success rate.

News coverage of new cyberattacks may contribute to a sense of defeat or fatigue on the part of online users working from home or in the office. How do we change that to a sense of optimism? Online security is achievable by developing a cybersecurity mindset.

Our goal at The Cyber Dawn is to encourage an all-hands-on-deck approach to cybersecurity awareness training, consulting, and communications to facilitate cyber-secure behavior, mindset, and results.

First, we train people.

The Cyber Dawn offers training presentations and consulting services for clients and partners geared toward human-error reduction (whether our staff works in the office or remotely). We are moving the mindset from uninformed to aware of influencing behavior change and habits based on understanding the human factor — that cybersecurity rests in people’s hands and the technology — in a holistic, combined approach to online security.

Dawn Kristy, CEO & Founder, offers speaking engagements to organizations in all industries, including nonprofits, associations, universities, and schools.

Key Questions Today and Every Monday

If you are a CEO, what keeps you up at night?

Are your employees ignoring basic cyber hygiene?

Is the Board of Directors seeking more information on cyber resilience than you are prepared to provide?

If you are an IT Manager, are you concerned about recent cybercrimes?

Who holds the keys to your castle? Everyone or only a select few team members who need access to critical data to accomplish their work?

If you are the Head of HR, are you concerned about your company relying on out-of-date or ineffective training programs?

Are you using check-the-box courses for compliance or cyber insurance purposes that are not memorable for your employees?

Second, we prepare your communications.

Storytelling – tell your best story. We offer topic generation, project outline development, research, writing, interviews, and scripts for podcasts and videos.

Ghostwriting – we write on your behalf. We write blog posts and articles and do developmental editing.

Editing – we edit blog posts, articles, book manuscripts, and screenplays.

33 Ways on Cyber Monday

You may already know how to avoid some of the scenarios discussed in Dawn’s new award-winning book, 33 Ways Not To Screw Up Cybersecurity – available on Amazon in paperback here and Kindle version here. 

Find the “Ways” you need to learn as you work from anywhere (WFA). Then pass the book to others who may need to find their way.

You may want to check out my website www.thecyberdawn.com where you can find resources, subscribe to our newsletter or reach out for information on our services, including speaking engagements, training, and communications.

There is hope.


This blog post is made available for informational purposes and is not intended as a substitute for professional or legal advice. No attorney-client relationship is formed or implied between you, the author, or the website publisher.

Dawn Kristy

Hi, I am Dawn Kristy, JD, an AI & Cybersecurity Advisor, former attorney, and award-winning author. I help businesses adopt AI through a Cybersecurity and Governance Lens. As the Founder of The Cyber Dawn®, and during my 25+ years advising clients on emerging risks, I’ve been fortunate to develop an outstanding network of collaborative experts to address your organization's needs. Let’s achieve your moonshot goals as you and your businesses learn to implement AI. This year is about taking giant leaps to achieve positive outcomes!

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