CybersecurityHuman Factor Training

Calm in the Cyber Storm

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” — Albert Einstein.

As we bid farewell to October 2021, many people are working diligently to allay fears, uncertainty, and stress in the cyber storm.

As storms collide, be it weather, Covid, or cyber storms, humanity is being shaken. The assault on our overall health, mental health, and spirit are relentless.

Cyber experts often discuss mitigating cyber risks. However, through my training presentations, and discussions with clients, I have learned that we need to mitigate fears about cybersecurity. People are less likely to think clearly and deliberately under stress, which leads to human-factor cyber risks.

Recent surveys indicate that more than half of business leaders report feeling unable to stop cyber threats. Clearly, we need to develop a cybersecurity mindset. Human nature includes core characteristics of thinking, feeling, and acting. Indeed, we hunger for knowledge and solutions about how to improve cybersecurity.

If our goal in the cybersecurity community is to teach people how to be cyber-secure online, then we need to calmly guide, influence, or manage people on this journey. Fears need to be supplanted by hope and understanding that we can defeat the bad actors, hackers, and fraudsters.

If we know better — how to behave online in the office, in a remote location, or in our homes — we can change the results and stop attempted cybercrimes.

May we find some calm in the cyber storm.

Featured image (above) by Nina Hill on Pexels.

Dawn Kristy

Hi, I am Dawn Kristy, JD, an AI & Cybersecurity Advisor, former attorney, and award-winning author. I help businesses adopt AI through a Cybersecurity and Governance Lens. As the Founder of The Cyber Dawn®, and during my 25+ years advising clients on emerging risks, I’ve been fortunate to develop an outstanding network of collaborative experts to address your organization's needs. Let’s achieve your moonshot goals as you and your businesses learn to implement AI. This year is about taking giant leaps to achieve positive outcomes!

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